Tuesday, June 08, 2004


It was never in the plan to get drunk before exploring the English Gardens. When I ordered my beer with lunch, it hadn’t occurred to me that the result might make me anything but mildly tipsy. However, thus it was that a liter of strong german beer later, I wasn’t entirely certain I could walk. I was absurdly sloshed.

By the time I reached the end of the glass, I felt accomplished. I knew that I had to have something to remember this experience by, and in the end, I decided on the liter-sized beer glass. Of course I wasn’t certain I could convince the place to sell it to me, and even less certain that they would do so for a reasonable price. However, some drunken translation errors later, they sold it to me for 3 euros – a very reasonable price, and cheaper than I had even imagined.

So it was that I ended up spending my day stumbling around the English Gardens of Munich. For the record, sobriety hit me a little past 4. Still, I certainly enjoyed the English Gardens. I do, after all, love the environment. Even so, I might have been a little under-whelmed had I not been in my intoxicated state.

However, in my intoxicated state I got lost trying to wander my way back to my bus stop. Unwittingly, I stumbled on what was undoubtedly the main attraction, and had I not almost missed seeing it, I would say it was impossible to miss.

I’m speaking of a place where the trees of the garden open up to reveal a lake, both sizable and quite magnificent; filled with ducks, swans, geese, and a thousand other types of assorted foul. Among the myriad of birds were even a few black swans, the existence of which were unknown to me until I saw them here.

The water was crowded with birds as I have never seen. A quick glance might make one believe that the water was fouled by pollution instead of foul, because the birds literally covered most of the visible water in some areas. It was pretty amazing.


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