Geneva Day 2

The only downside about going to bed after an utterly exhausting albeit perfect day is that the next day, while you may wake up feeling very good, it won’t be while the sun is new to the sky. I didn’t get out of my hostel until 10:30, myself. But that’s alright, even if it is my last day. In essence,
Because all of
I had a dream last night – one of those dreams that seem very pleasant at the time until you wake up and think about it. There was some sort of mystery, and over the course of the dream I kissed not one but two of my female friends.
Both were female, which at least makes my post-dream contemplation much simpler, but I always feel somehow guilty when I dream of someone I know doing things that they wouldn’t do. It feels somehow like a violation of their person. I guess its because on some level, the dreams feel so real. In the mind, it’s as if you really kidnapped the bodies of your friends and turned them into puppets. However, that’s not really what it is, and so I suppose I’ll just feel vaguely put off by it.
Just finished my coffee and pastry. Time to move on.
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