Entering Switzerland: Paradise for Those who can Afford it

In any case, putting that aside from a moment, I have no made it to my hostel in
The train ride here was the most beautiful one I’ve had thus far in my life. There were some mountains and lakes. I’ve been writing most of this time, but more than once, I looked from my pen to have the awesomeness of my surrounding actually startle me. I’m sure this looked funny to the people around me, but the surroundings were simply majestic. Some of the scenery that just happened to be visible on the train ride into
But it’s expensive here. Oh God, it’s expensive.
I almost immediately got to know the two roommates I have with me at my hostel. They’re both American and a good measure younger than I am, but our humors are on exactly the same wavelength. Please, no speculations as to what this says about me. We went out to dinner and spent a great deal of time searching for something any of us could even marginally afford to eat. The cheapest we found was a Chinese food place, and it still cost me about 20 bucks for the meal. I hear that skipping dinner thing might be called for tomorrow.
Did you know that they sell Swiss Army knives with USB connection now?
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