Monday, June 07, 2004


How can I put this day, or at least as it has passed so far, into words? I’ve spent it wandering the parks and walking the edge of Lac Leman. Silly as it may seem, one of my favorite aspects of Geneva is that someone seems to have placed elaborate fountains everywhere, and almost every one of them spouts drinking water. Somehow being able to actually drink water from a decorative fountain makes it all the more inviting.

In truth, I’ve spent more time sitting than walking, but to those who know me well, you probably know that this is a sign of utter contentment and satisfaction with my surroundings.

My lunch, again, was lovely and again had those special ingredients of mozzarella and tomato, in sandwich form this time. Mango sorbet for dessert. I’m sure if it wasn’t for the caffeine in my cappuccino I’d have fainted already.


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