Brussels Day 2: Exploring

Solitude. It is solitude that I prefer with beautiful sights. People are okay, it is not people that I mind. I think it’s mostly the noise. I like stillness, mostly quiet. I like to hear the gentle running waters of the fountain in front of me, echoing off the walls of the stone square. Somehow, at the moment, I have found some measure of that at least in the town square of Brussels, in the court of the grand palace. With all the beautiful fountains and gardens I don’t understand why no one is here, but I won’t complain.
I think its cities. I hate cities. In cities I am constantly uptight, on guard, paranoid. I was borne in New York city, then moved to a bad part of Washington DC where there were murders I could have witnessed by looking out the window at the wrong time. We once had to leave the house one night for fear that the rioting a few blocks away would reach us. Is it really any wonder I hate cities?
I can’t say for certain that all cities are alike. I can only say for certain that all cities put the same sense of dread into me. This may not be good tidings for me, as my next 4 stops are Amsterdam, Berlin, Munich and Geneva. Maybe I’ll adjust.
But this square, right here, gets an “A” for atmosphere.
Here, in the center of Brussels, it could not be more obvious what Brussels is known for. Belgium chocolate, Belgian ale, Belgian waffles… there is food everywhere! There are more cafes and eateries than crappy tourist shops. Actually I’ve been quite shocked at the lack of tourist trap shops. I mean, they’re around, but not half as numerous as the chocolate shops, or even stores selling exclusively lace. Apparently Belgium is known for its lace too.
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