Berlin Day 2: the Unsuspecting Awake

I slept in more than I’d planned today. I woke up, took a quick shower, and ate breakfast over idle breakfast conversation with two Slovanian girls that was well worth whatever time I lost for it. I can’t explain this phenomenon. Everyone here is friendly and personable here. I can’t recall when I’ve warmed up to people so quickly.
Well I can, but it’s been a very long time. It reminds me of the old Getaway days.
Perhaps the weather is right, the people are right, and the atmosphere is right so everything just clicks. Or maybe we’ve all just been travelling for long enough, either in isolation or with a companion, that when we’re put into a social environment our barriers just crumble. At least mine have. I sincerely trust almost every person I’ve met here with a certainty that is neither rational nor, I suspect, a good idea. But I do.
Perhaps the change is simply in myself, and everything else other people reacting to it. When people become feel trusting enough to drop their guards, I have always found that sincerity becomes easily seen, and people are universally more comfortable dealing with people they can read that way. Sincerity, like violence, beckons more sincerity. I wish I could show sincerity at will.
In any case, this has put me in a good mood despite the rainy day. It won’t stop me from exploring San Soucci park and palace. That’s where I am as I write this, by the way. Or at least, that’s where I’m headed. I’m actually on a bus at this moment. That information is hardly useful to you now though, as I’m going to stop writing here.
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